Asset Management Spotlight: EU SFDR: taking stock of recent EU developments and what you should know


Q2 of 2022 has seen a great deal of activity from the Commission and ESAs in seeking to clarify the application and interpretation of the SFDR – a number of Q&As, supervisory statements and other guidance has been published which provides guidance on a very broad range of topics including the SFDR DNSH test, qualitative vs. quantitative Taxonomy alignment disclosures and the application of SFDR to closed products.   

Some of these clarifications have immediate implications that firms should be addressing now, whereas others will impact on Level 2 compliance from 1 January 2023 when the SFDR RTS comes into effect.

In this webinar, our panel of experts guided you through the latest SFDR and related Taxonomy developments and the key areas you should be focusing on right now, and as you prepare for 1 January 2023.