
The Dispute Toolkit 

- Arbitration

  - Arbitration Checklist
  - Institutional Rules or Not?
  - - Arbitral Institutions & Clauses
  - LCIA
  - LCIA Clauses
  - ICC
  - ICC Clauses
  - UNCITRAL Clauses
  - HKIAC Clauses
  - SIAC
  - SIAC Clauses
  - PRC Arbitration / CIETAC
  - CIETAC Clauses
  - PRIME Finance
  - PRIME Finance clauses
  -  ICSID
  -  WIPO
  - SCC
  - Russian Corporate Disputes & Russian PAIs (including the ICAC)
  - SCC Clauses
  - Others
  - Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  - Trade Associations
  - - Stand-Alone Clauses
  - Number of Arbitrators
  - Seat
  - Austria
  - Austrian arbitration law
  - Austrian arbitrators
  - Belgium
  - Belgian arbitration law
  - Belgian arbitrators
  - England
  - English arbitration law
  - English arbitrators
  - France
  - French arbitration law
  - French arbitrators
  - Hong Kong
  - Hong Kong arbitration law
  - Hong Kong arbitrators
  - Germany
  -  India
  - Indian arbitration law
  - Indian arbitrators
  - Italy
  - Italian arbitration law
  - Italian arbitrators
  - Luxembourg
  - Luxembourg arbitration law
  - Luxembourg arbitrators
  - The Netherlands
  - Dutch arbitration law
  - Dutch arbitrators
  - Russia
  - Russian arbitration law
  - Russian arbitrators
  - Singapore
  - Singapore arbitration law
  - Singapore arbitrators
  - Spain
  - Spanish Arbitration Law
  - Spanish Arbitrators
  - Sweden
  - Swedish arbitration law
  - Swedish arbitrators
  - U.S.
  - American Arbitration Law
  - American Arbitrators
  - Questions for Local Lawyers
  - Language
  - Procedure
  - Silent Clause
  - Procedural Rules
  - External Rules
  - Chains of Contracts
  - Jurisdiction clause in support of arbitration
  - Express Choice of Law to Govern Arbitration Clause
  - Option to Litigate
  - Proceedings Brought in Breach of an Arbitration Clause
  - Costs
  - Institutional and arbitrators’ fees
  - Legal fees
  - Enforcement
  - New York Convention
  - Table of parties to the Convention
  - Model Law
  - Confidentiality
  - Jurisdiction Clauses

- Why Have a Jurisdiction Clause?

  - Which Jurisdiction Clause?
  - Exclusive - One Court
  - Exclusive - Several Courts
  - Non-exclusive
  - Submission & Waiver
  - Benefit clause
  - When Will A Court Take Jurisdiction?
  - Jurisdiction under the Regulation and the Lugano Conventions
  - Brussels Regime States
  - Jurisdiction under the Lugano Convention
  - Proceedings Brought in Breach of an Exclusive Jurisdiction Clause
  - Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements
  - Hague Contracting States
  - Enforcement
  - Belgium
  - France
  - Germany
  - Hong Kong
  - Italy
  - Luxembourg
  - The Netherlands
  - Russia
  - Singapore
  - Spain
  - Sweden
  - United Kingdom
  - U.S.

  - Alternative Dispute Resolution

  - Alternative Dispute Resolution
  - Mediation
  - Expert Determination
  - Adjudication
  - Other forms of ADR
  - European Mediation Directive
  - Commercial Mediation - A comparative review

  - Boilerplate Clauses

  - Governing Law
  - Sovereign Immunity
  - Service of Process

  - Brexit Implications
  - External Links

  - Conventions
  - International Institutions
  - National Institutions
  - Alternative Dispute Resolution
  - Litigation
  - Appointment of Adjudicators
  - Expert Appointing Bodies
  - Trade Associations
  - Other Useful Sites

  - Contact Us

  - Belgium
  - England
  - France
  - Germany
  - Hong Kong
  - Italy
  - Luxembourg
  - Netherlands
  - Poland
  - Portugal
  - Russia
  - Singapore
 -  Spain
  - Sweden
  - U.S.