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Tuesday, 20 April 2021 From 11:00 to 12:00 GMT +1

Location: Brussels

Speakers: Guillaume Croisant, AnastasiaAngeliki Koutra, Xavier Taton, Kevin Xhebexhia

Webinar: Deep dive into key clauses of (international) contracts

You've certainly come across boilerplate clauses such as “parties’ obligations”; “force majeure and hardship”; “indemnity”; “termination”; “non-compete”; “dispute resolution and governing law”; etc. but are you aware of the numerous hidden pitfalls they can contain?

Our experts will set out a summary of key considerations to be borne in mind when drafting or reviewing (international) contracts, with a special focus on the international context and in light of recent legal developments (e.g. B2B legislation, upcoming reform of the law of obligations, Brexit...)