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Authors: Pietro Belloni, Roberto Casati, Ettore Consalvi, Lucio D'Amario, Roberto Egori, Francesco Faldi, Giorgio Fantacchiotti, Tessa Lee, Dario Longo, Ugo Orsini, Claudia Parzani, Alessandro Villani

Italy - Covid-19 - Government measures Law Decree no. 23 of 8 April 2020

The so-called “Decreto Liquidità” (i.e. Law Decree 8 April 2020, no. 23, the “Decree”), has been published in the Official Journal on 9 April 2020 and entered into force on the same day. It provides further measures to address the economic impact of the Covid-19 emergency, inter alia providing liquidity to companies, the extension of the Golden Powers legislation, the postponement of tax obligations, temporary exemptions from certain mandatory provisions of Italian corporate law.